Actress Ushna Shah bold and Lovely pictures viral on social media, Ushna Shah attend the 8th Hum Award show in canada, Ushna Shah wore full tight open bold red colour dress, She looking so hot young and lovely in these pictures, Ushna shah looks so beautifull from all celebrities in Hum award show. Fianc of Ushna shah also come in hum award.
If we talk about the age of actress ushna shah in 2022, she turned is 32 years young star, She was born in 1990 at Karachi Pakistan. She is very smart and young star in this age. Ushna shah is still single without marriage. Ushna shah nomination the lux style award for the best Tv female actor. She made her acting debut in 2013 with Mere Khwabon Ka Diya. Shah had her first critical success with the 2014 thriller romance Bashar Momin as Rudaba.
She is all around perceived for her raving success show serials Bala, Aakhir Kab Tak, Habs, and some more. Her extraordinary acting abilities are the principal justification behind her acclaim. Dimple young lady is popular for her charming shining grin. She had done numerous photoshoots with various brands. Her continuous show sequential Centers is tremendously valued by the crowd. As she is matched with the attractive Feroze Khan in the sequential.
Ushna Shah chooses a dark red troupe overflowing effortlessness on honorary pathway of Murmur Grants 2022. The lovely entertainer is undeniably decked up for the occasion. Netizens are totally stricken by her hypnotizing looks. Ushna Shah is perhaps of the most famous entertainer in Pakistan showbiz industry.