Hiba Bukhari Offer Huge Uplifting news with fans. In the wake of securing the bunch recently, Hiba Bukhari and Arez Ahmed have been a hotly debated issue. As fans grovel over their conjugal joy, the Deewangi entertainer is sharing tips ‘to be a housewife’.
In a meeting, the Taraap entertainer focused on life after marriage in a joint family.
The Karachi-based have cum-celeb shared how in spite of moving into a joint family, her parents in law gave her protection when she showed up in her new home. Adding that nobody would collaborate with her nor open the entryways of the room when she locked her inside it.
Its a well known fact that entertainer Hiba Bukhari wound up stunning everybody by glamming up for her wedding occasions. The Pakistani star was spruced up speedily, remembering conventional qualities and contemporary style. Anyway the fan local area should be kicking the bucket to know with respect to the principal outing of the couple after they sealed the deal. Fret not, here are the brilliance subtleties.