Ramsha Khan is a very dazzling, gifted and an amazing Pakistani TV and film entertainer. Actress began her vocation from a film “Thora Jee Le” close by Bilal Abbas Khan. She has additionally showed up in various well known plays including Mah-e-Tamaam, Khud Parast ,Kaisa Hai Naseeba, Shahrukh ki Saliyaan, Shehnai, Ishqiya, Murmur Tum and Sinf E Aahan.
She is revered by her fans for her incredible acting abilities. Her most recent show Murmur Tum with Ahad Raza Mir was cherished by her fans. Ramsha is additionally known for her good dressing and lovely grin.
Sarah Khan is an exceptional entertainer in the Pakistani show industry. She and her sister, Noor Zafar Khan, are the following huge stars of the Pakistani showbiz industry.
Ramsha Khan is an anticipated Pakistani television entertainer who is rapidly acquiring a huge fan following via online entertainment. The capable entertainer has filled in prominence inside an exceptionally limited capacity to focus time in the showbiz business. She made her presentation in the transitioning film Thora Jee Le. Also, later proceeded to work in a few effective show serials. Like Mah-e-Tamaam, Khud Parast, Kaisa Hai Naseeban, Murmur Tum, and Ishqiya.